Partner with us to highlight your business and reach the thousands of daily listeners

  • Reach an audience on a platform which offers radio programming suit- able for the entire family

  • WDVR streams worldwide via and most radio apps

  • Underwriters are represented on with their information

  • Underwriter fees may also be tax deductible for your organization

Across the Street or AROUND the Globe, Let WDVR Be Your Voice in the Community!

Business Underwriters Rates

Daily Rotation $375.00 (Monthly)

Includes a 30 second announcement aired three (3) times a day at the top of the hour, (morning, afternoon, evening), to cover most of our listening audience each day.

Additional discounted rates available for 3- and 6-month commitments

10% Discount with a minimum of a three (3) month commitment ($337.50/mo)

15% Discount with a minimum of a six (6) month commitment ($318.75/mo)

Individual Show Sponsorship

$150.00 (Quarterly)

  • With a diverse programming lineup to include Folk, Rock, Country, Bluegrass, Jazz, Classical, and so much more – Sponsor the show of your choosing!

  • Includes a 30 second announcement aired once weekly during that show

Underwriters are represented on our website with their information

Underwriter fees may also be tax deductible for your organization.

WDVR’s coverage, while a “community” station, is quite broad. Along with our flagship station 89.7FM, we have transmitters and repeaters that cover Hunterdon and most of Bucks Counties, the Phillipsburg/Easton areas, Harmony Township, NJ and soon up to and including Belvidere.  In addition, the Trenton/Ewing Mercer County area and Warren Township, Somerset County have coverage.

WDVR also streams world-wide via and most radio apps.

You can also view our range from our terrestrial broadcast on the website:

Please contact Carla Van Dyk, WDVR Station Manager

WDVR: A Brief History

Nearly forty years ago, a very talented trio of public television techs combined their engineering skills and their shared passion for radio to begin the process of establishing on-air operations in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Among those broad- cast facilities was WDVR-FM. And while our studios were housed within the confines of an old blacksmith shop located in the charming 18th-century hamlet of Sergeantsville, New Jersey — we have moved far beyond that time when the speed and reach of communication was dependent upon the gallop of a horse, the wind in your sails or the power of a single transmitter.

Today, with the advent of several additional FM frequencies that simulcast our programming, our terrestrial air signal can be heard over a much larger geographical area providing coverage to towns and cities on both sides of the Delaware River. And with our newly upgraded internet streaming capabilities, WDVR’s reach has become virtually limitless!